Saturday, May 23, 2020

Juliana for Les Bernard Jewelry

Leaf and Acorn Set
Mr DeLizza in his book in the 1974-1977 Chapter says: "Another great person that came along at that time was Yvette Brownstein from Les Bernard.  They had the license for the TV hit Dynasty and it brought a great deal of attention to the jewelry industry."  Then again in the 1980-1984 Chapter it says:"The buyer from Les Bernard worked to find items she could use from our line - then change them enough to make them compatible with their line."  These are just a couple of the many different references Mr DeLizza makes to Les Bernard in his book.  They were an excellent customer for quite a number of years.  It is important to know that not all Les Bernard was made by Juliana. 
Mr DeLizza's book 131 (1975)

These designs shown here and many more can be purchased in my store:
Metal Rhinestones
Jan also included with the jewelry some signed Thank You cards for jewelry purchasers.  These cards are hand signed by Mr DeLizza.  I have a limited amount of them.  For each person that purchases 10 items, or a total purchase value of $400 I will send one of these Thank You notes, while the supply lasts. The items do not have to be purchased all at one time. I will keep track of each persons purchases.
My next blog will be about Juliana enamel jewelry.  Some of these have never been seen before.  Join my email list in my store for previews of upcoming items.